Privacy policy

DecoArt cares about the privacy of its customers and all visitors to the website, which is why this document has been prepared so as to fully, clearly and understandably present the rules for collecting, processing and securing personal data and inform about the rights that you are entitled to.

We obtain personal data mainly through product orders. We process them mainly to fulfill orders (current contact, invoicing and shipping) for an indefinite period, but we do not use them for marketing purposes. Personal data may be transferred for the purposes of handling orders to third parties providing postal, courier, online payment and accounting services, as well as providing tools for handling notifications and automating this service.

Who controls your personal data?

Personal data is controlled by the company:

DecoArt Izabela Michalowska
Rose 8
05-152 Cząstków Polski
NIP: 1180081875

Who has access to your data?
Only persons managing the DecoArt company have access to personal data. We never transfer your data, we do not sell it or exchange it for marketing purposes with third parties. The transfer of data outside takes place only in connection with the direct provision of services, mainly the execution of orders.